Success Factors of Teal


If hierarchical organization is a ladder where winners move to the top, then Teal organization is a soup bowl in which people connect, collaborate and create nourishing experience for the soul.

In a hierarchical organization, key business success factors are talents, strategy and operational excellence. Organizational success hinges on the performance of a few super heroes supported by disengaged majority who serve purposes that don’t resonate with them. Externally, competitive advantage is the winning ticket in the market.  Internally, competition jeopardizes collaboration within an organization.

In a Teal organization, success is redefined as the well-being of an entire ecosystem which consists of employees, customers, company and community. When each part of the system is healthy, the whole prospers. Gaining by one part is not at the expense of another part. It is a complete paradigm shift.

The success of a Teal organization depends on its ability to bring out the best in each individual and to forge collaboration among them. Individuals and teams are connected by mutual respect, common values and shared purpose. Ultimately, a Teal organization creates circumstance for unleashing both human and organizational potential. It serves as a safe space in which healing takes place and each individual finds her missing parts and becomes whole again.

The critical step at initial phase of Teal journey is on-boarding members that have both left brain qualities – competence, confidence (grounded) and curiosity, and right brain qualities – conscience, compassion and connection. So they serve as role models of individual performance and team collaboration the Teal way. They set high standard on personal responsibility and collective leadership. While going Teal is not an overnight miracle but a journey, getting the foundation right sets the journey on the right track.

Bon Voyage!

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